Monday, November 15, 2010

Thanksgiving 15

I am so thankful for my little girl today.  She has become my life.  I don't know what I'd do without her.  A coworker's daughter had some complications in her pregnancy resulting in having her twins born early.  They lived an hour.  They were only 5 1/2 months along.  I only found out this morning.  I was devastated.  No one should *ever* have to deal with that.  And if you have, I look up to you.  The ability to deal with such an agonizing experience is beyond me, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.  Know that I love you!

I definitely have a tiny gift from heaven, and I thank my Heavenly Father daily for her presence in my life.  She is the world to me.

Totally different topic: look at these cool mushrooms in our yard...

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