Friday, January 30, 2009

The Results


I'm still in shock.

I'll upload some of the ultrasound pictures- hopefully tomorrow!

Start buying pink stuff!


Unknown said...

that's not fair. THE END!

Brammer Family said...

Oh! That is so great!!! When we found out we were having Lily people just raved about how awesome having a girl first was. They went on and on about how they're such good helpers with around the house stuff and with younger siblings. Even though Lils is still young she has been a huge help with Ben it's all true! :)

WooooHooooHoooo! I'm so excited for you! Any names yet?

Michele said...

Do you realize that you are over half way done?

Lynda said...

That is so exciting. Congrats. I have to wait a couple of weeks still before I find out.

Maddy said...

Shannon, I'm sorry!!! At least you have cutesy esty stuff I can go buy!!!

Alison- we're doomed, we have nothing on the name front! Wish us luck. hahaha

Michele- not yet, not til monday :/

Lynda - why so long?!?!

Julia said...

Congrats!!! I have 2 younger sisters. It was just us girls. We had a blast. Just be prepared for some drama! Can't wait to see her! It'll probably be at Winco. That's where we always seem to meet up :)

Tamara said...

Well, maybe it's a GIRL puppy! ;) OF COURSE you're having a girl... it's God's way of breaking you in easy... AWESOME!!! And major brownie points for Drew (no pun intended) for the cookies, YUM!!! That's really thoughtful.