Sunday, October 12, 2008


Tuesday is the LAST day to register to vote. Just in case you haven't registered, have forgotten, or have moved, you need to register by October 14th to cote in this election. I have a feeling it's going to be a good one, so make sure you're part of it. Go out, get your voters registration at the post office or DMV. This is also a very handy/informational website. Also, if you live in Dallas and are cool like me, please vote yes on the School Bond Levy- it's very important to give the students the ability to learn in facilities that will be safe, and made for what they were intended for. So if you haven't already, GO REGISTER NOW!!! You have less than 48 HOURS!


Thayer & Associates said...

I love the new pic of Lexy.

Monica said...

Voting is good! But I really wanted to comment on your freaky Halloween banner. Scary!

Maddy said...

yeah, that pic of Lexy rawks! and I am LOVING my scary Halloween banner! It's from The Labyrinth!