We then find out that Cedric Diggory aka Edward Cullen now lives in Forks, and it interested in Bella Swan. People are thinking these are TWO separate people, when they most decidedly ARE NOT.

Cedric Diggory and Edward Cullen are the SAME EXACT PERSON! Let me tell you how it happend.
Voldymort told his lackies to kill "Cedric" when in reality, they just stunned him severely. Harry does his cool wizard skills, and brings Cedric back. Everyone is all wiggin out, thinking Cedric is dead, and all the shinanagans start! Mr. Diggory realizes that his son, Cedric isn't REALLY dead, but SOMETHING severe has happened to him. Mr. Diggory and his wife head off to the best hospital they can find in Chicago. Since they have to travel so far, they decide to aparate with Cedric's body.
Since Mr. Diggory took his son, Dumbledore decides to continue on with a funeral anyway. In Dumbledores eyes, Mr. is dillusional, and it's just a matter of time before Cedric dies. Dumbledore might as well get the truth out as quickly as he can- the pressing matter is Voldemort, not whether or not Cedic is going to live through the night.
So anyway, Diggory's are now in Chicago. They had heard from a squib that this was the best hospital in the world, and that there was a certain doctor that had heard of wizards before and had performed surgery on them before. Surprisingly, Cedric still hasn't died, but is in a coma like state, and in critical condition.
After a few months, Cedric's parents catch some kind of incurable virus and quickly die; leaving Cedric alone, at the hospital. This caring doctor realizes that Cedric is a very special person, being a wizard and all, and continues to watch him closely, since Cedric now has no blood relations. As time goes by, Cedric begins to come around from the spell that the lackies cast on him, but is plagued by some kind of disease that is threatening his life. As Cedric becomes conscious, Dr. Cullen, this kind and generious doctor that has watched over him like a son, begins to ask him of his past life. Miraculously, Cedric doesn't remember any of his wizarding world.
Quite quickly and suddenly, Cedric begins to suffer from this disease he has obtained, and is on the verge of death. Dr. Cullen, realizing the importance to keep this person alive, then turns him into a vampire. The transformation happens, and Cedric realizes that he doesn't want to continue to be called Cedric because of the loss of his parents, and former life. He then takes upon the name of Edward Cullen, and lives out a very interesting, very busy life in various states and countries for the rest of his life! AND that my friends, you can read about in the Twilight books. :)
Now keep in mind, the two pictures. The ONLY reason they look different is because of the vampire transformation. It obviously thinned out his eyebrows, "Edward" gave himself a new hair do, and he's pale- (because he's a vampire, duh)
So there you have it. Cedric Diggory = Edward Cullen, IN THE FLESH!
You have WAY too much time on your hands.
Good story though.
LOL That's what you get when you don't get out of your PJ's ALLL DAY LONG!!!
I was in my PJ's for 6 days straight and I still don't come up with stuff like this!
Man he's hot. :)
Yeah, but I'm just THAT cool. Conference does funny things to you!
And yeah, Allison, HE IS!!!!! That's why I love him!
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