Thursday, November 24, 2011

New Post

New post over here

CSA Week 26 - The End

I'm sad this was our last day of our harvest box for the year.  I'm so grateful we get the opportunity to be part of something local and bigger at the same time.

We got Jimmy Nardelo peppers, 2 leeks, sweet potatoes, apples, kale, beets, celery, delicata squash, potatoes - which are all sitting at home, hoping they don't go bad since we won't be home to enjoy them for a few days. :)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

CSA Week 25 and New Post

I can't believe this is the second to last week!  I don't think we'll be doing the box this next year.  I seem to have figured out that I have an eczema reaction to tomatoes, and there were just too many potatoes this year.  I think we might be better off getting our own things next year.  Which is unfortunate cause I really really love the surprise every week.

There's also a new blog post over here  click me!

We got kale, cabbage, green peppers, tomatoes, apples, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions and cilantro.  Time to make some salsa!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

CSA Week 24!

Only two weeks left!

We got: radishes, tomatoes, cauliflower, garlic, apples, carrots, broccoli, delicata squash, strawberries (3/4 of them had been eaten by a little monster before I could get to the pictures) and celery!

Only 2 weeks left!

I need to remind myself to post about my attempt at making my own soap... oh boy...

I also have a new blog post over here.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

CSA Week 23

I posted a new blog over here

And then for this week's csa box, this is what we got:

arugula, apples, sweet potato, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, butternut squash (I have 2 cause I traded out our potatoes), carrots, and jimmy nardelo peppers (they're pretty sweet)

Sunday, October 30, 2011


New post :)

CSA Week 22

I know I'm quite late, but that's ok- I'll have another one to post in a few days

We got: Cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, apples, garlic, delicata squash, tomatoes, ginger, kale.  Nasty, nasty kale.  So you know what I've done? I've made green smoothies.  Didn't think I would be able to down it, but you know what? With enough fruit, you can barely even taste it!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Mainly just pictures today since there's been little time for anything else

CSA Week 21!

We got: radishes, potatoes, lettuce, carrots, peppers, heirloom tomatoes, broccoli, a leek, sunshine squash (pumpkin), liberty apples - yum!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I updated the blarg- I finally got pictures to load!

CSA Week 20!

Drew went to pick up the box today- he went to trade out our potatoes (we just don't eat potatoes I'm realizing!) and all that was in there was Radicchio.  He chose potatoes.  Smart man.

This week, we got raddichio, tomatoes, carrots, beets, red onions, sierra rose potatoes, delicata squash (I really like these, and they make awesome baby food), sweet italian peppers, canadice grapes (they are odd), and winter banana apples (I have been looking forward to these for a year!!!)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week 19!

I don't know if we're getting more food than last year, or what, but we're having a difficult time getting through all of it this year.  I finally ended up freezing a ton of corn and I got some green beans from a friend, so I spent 2 hours prepping those last night. I was pooped.

I also like that we don't have to worry about the cantaloupe recall!

OK, so we got spinach, broccoli, those yummy petite plums, garlic, cherry tomatoes, white rose potatoes, acorn squash, peppers, melon...I haven't cut into it yet, I'm guessing it's a cantaloupe, and rome apples. Yum!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New post

It's about the zoo :)

Holy Corn!

I don't think I've ever eaten this much corn.  In fact, most of it has ended up in the freezer for winter time. :)

We got: 8 ears of corn, heirloom tomatoes, gala apples, sweet italian peppers, watermelon, spinach, french petite plums (I've never had these before, but they are SO good- I highly recommend them!), romano beans, and nicola potatoes. 

We've also gotten quite a variety of potatoes this year.  It's a good thing they store well cause we haven't gone through a ton of them.  We haven't even touched our watermelon from last week.  Guess I better stop buying all the nectarines and peaches from Costco so we can eat what we get here. :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CSA Week 17!

Man, when I thought we got a lot last week, this week trumps it!

We got: watermelon, spinach, cherry tomatoes, corn, carrots, cucumbers, potatoes


Apparently we were supposed to also get some heirloom tomatoes, but our box was left out or something.  I'll have to let them know! (not like we're hurting for tomatoes though. hahaha)

I also updated the family blog over here

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New posting!

New blog update- wow 2 in a week, I'm on a roll!

CSA Week 16!

Holy motherload of produce!!! Wowee!

We got spinach, gala apples, cantaloupe, carrots, cherry tomatoes, sweet girl tomatoes, corn, romano beans aaand cucumbers!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Post

Here it is!

CSA Week 15!

We got quite a bit this week! Drew traded out some blackberries for more cucumbers since we aren't big fans of blackberries (maybe he was sick of getting them in his lunch :) ) so we got: sweet girl tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, gala apples, cucumbers, romano beans, lettuce, onion, 8 ears of corn!, and strawberries. I wish it wasn't so hot so cooking some of this stuff wouldn't be a big deal. ah well :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I updated my blarg

CSA Week 14!

Hooray for produce that I don't have to pick out :) Definitely a bonus to this thing.

We got: lettuce, sweet girl tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, garlic, zucchini, melon (no idea what kind?), cucumber and corn.  They gave us a little info on corn- I can't believe so much is grown when it is such a hassle to grown. Insane.  (Oh, and there were blackberries, too- but we ate those before I had a chance to take a picture :) )

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Lots of house pictures :)

CSA Week 13!

I can't believe we're already half way over! My one and only complaint this year has been way too many potatoes- we definitely didn't get this many last year...weird...  Otherwise, it's been fantastic!

Just ignore the extra tomatoes in the background and crummy pic quality- I had to take the pic with my phone since my camera was at the house, but the house wasn't ready for food yet :)

What we got: potatoes, carrots, cucumber, lettuce, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, blackberries, onion, zucchini/pattypan squash  - yum!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Life update over here :)

CSA Week 12!

Alrighty, we got basil, carrots, summer squash, fingerling potatoes, strawberries, garlic, blackberries, cherry tomatoes and sweet girl tomatoes. 

I was honestly shocked we didn't get any lettuce! I had planned 2 of our meals (an my lunches) around them.  Ah well, I'll pick some up at Lifesource later this week. :)  Hooray for fresh produce!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Weekly update :)

CSA Week 11!

Sometimes I don't remember what we get unless I look at my pictures :)

This week, we got lettuce, cilantro (I should have traded it out), 2 lbs tomatoes, pint of cherry tomatoes, pint of strawberries, 1/2 pint blackberries, carrots, potatoes, and garlic

Elisabeth has already eaten all the strawberries and cherry much for sharing!  She gets her little stool out, takes a handful and runs away.  It makes me laugh so much I can't say no. :)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Updates on house, bellies, Ellies and knits :)

CSA Week 10!

This week, in our box, we got:
lots o potatoes, 2 pints of strawberries, lettuce, lots of tomatoes, lots of zucchini (I LOVE the pattypan squash!), a red bottle onion (cool!) and some corn.

I must admit though- corn in Oregon doesn't compare to the corn in Utah- weird, eh? I don't know why, but for some reason, those Utah farmers have it down.  Nothing else is better there. hehehe

Check what else I made!

It's a cutie baby blanket for my sister who's having a little boy girl!!! ;)

Lastly, what do you do with 3 bazillion cherries?  No, seriously, I have no idea...I got a little over my head...

I do know what to do with 38 cajillion blueberries though- I know what we're doing this weekend!!

Friday, July 29, 2011


I have some updates on the house+Ellie :)

CSA Week 9!

I got it up finally! PHEW! This week has been a bit rough, but we got through it.  So here's what we got this week:
a HUGE thing of red leaf lettuce, radishes, zucchini, cherry tomatoes, garlic, basil, blackberries, lots o tomatoes and some spinach

yum, yum, yum! Elisabeth ate through the pint of cherry tomatoes that night and through all but about 5 of the other tomatoes the next day- whoa!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

CSA Week 8!

We're back- we had a good time, but now for the box!

I did a trade this week- I don't think I've done that before, but I looked at the raddichio and knew that there was no way my stomach was going to eat that this week.  Sooo, I got more tomatoes. They looked mouth watering delicious, and I'm glad I chose wisely.  We went through 3/4 of them that night.

So, we got: Spinach, onion, raspberries, cherries, 2lbs sweet girl tomatoes, zucchini, pattypan squash, random other squash, and potatoes.

There was a great chicken salad recipe (week 18- the curried chicken salad) the farm shared with us last year that incorporated the spinach very well.  We had that the other night, and I think I could eat that for a week straight!

I'm also apparently stock piling potatoes.  We just don't eat them as fast as we get them...darn carbs!  But when we do, oh man are they delicious!

For the squash? I'm going to make a summer vegetable succotash with it- also way good.  I use whatever beans I have on hand since I'm not supposed to eat edemame (allergic to soy)

I bought a cherry pitter (is that even a word?) so I didn't have to mama bird the cherries w/little one.  Boy that thing is great!!! we downed a ridiculous amount of cherries in a very short time!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CSA Week 7!

No CSA Box this week.... we're on vacation! .... :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

CSA Week 6!

I forgot our little newsletter that helps me remember all that we got- or more specific names, so here we go off of memory/picture :)

2 heads red leaf lettuce, turnips, radishes, cherry tomatoes (the orange ones are my favorite), raspberries, red onion, garlic, cucumber, strawberries, zucchini, potatoes

I couldn't resist the picture of the little hand eating all the raspberries.  She makes me smile!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

New Post

I think there might be a couple updates here if I'm not mistaken.  Enjoy!

CSA Week 5!

This week, we got: red lettuce, celery, romano green beans, cherries, raspberries, zucchini, cucumbers, oregon spring tomatoes - delish!

cakes and cobbler

This weekend, I made Elisabeth's birthday cake.  A few things could have been fixed but the only thing that really matters is that it tasted great!  I also made a peach cobbler for Drew's birthday.  I'm not sure why I didn't take a picture of it right out of the oven because it was beautiful.  But the one I post will have to suffice.

I even used fresh peaches! Go me!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

CSA Week 4!

This week has been insane!  We got the following in our box:
fava beans
(oak leaf) lettuce- it was really tender!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

CSA Week 3!

I totally forgot on Sunday that our CSA farm was having a potluck.  I loved going last year, but didn't remember until today.  That made me sad.  Ah well...maybe next year?

Anyway, this is what we got today:

Lettuce, basil, white onion, strawberries (YUM), Nicola potatoes, cucumber, white turnips and a cabbage.

My mouth is watering for some cabbage soup! Oh, Oh! And some pesto, cucumber sandwiches! ...not quite sure what to do with the turnips yet...but I know they're good if you cook them w/potatoes and mash them.  It was also suggested to use them like radishes? hmmm!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

CSA Week 2!

I'm a little late- it's been a week. But here are the beauties! :)

We got: purple viking potatoes, carrots, salad mix, garlic tops, snap peas, zucchini, strawberries (I promised I wouldn't eat them first), bok choy!

I smell some stir fry on the horizon!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

CSA Week 1!

Our CSA started this week- hooray!!!

We got lettuce, carrots, garlic, basil, new potatoes, onions, zucchini and not show, some absolutely delicious strawberries.  They were totally so delightful, they were eaten before we left Salem :)  SOoooOOooOo good!

What I especially like is that this box is usually the smallest of the 26, and there's only good stuff to come!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to everyone, I hope it was a nice one :)

Pictures galore

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Time!

Here's a link to the new post :)

If you would like an invite to the blog, just let me know, or email me ( if you know I don't have your email. :)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Trend

I've read a little too much overshare of others lately as well as articles about why some people choose not to post pictures of their children online.  I know there are people who read and follow my blog, and I'm perfectly happy with that.  However, I think I'm going to feel more comfortable knowing WHO is looking at pictures of my family.  Over the next couple of weeks (when I have some time) I'm going to set up a different blog address so that I can continue my blog there privately.  If I want to post something non-family related i.e. cake decorating or the like, I'll make sure to post it here as well.  I know there are a few people I will put on my approved list without them telling me to put them on there, but if I don't necessarily know who you are, or maybe your email isn't on facebook, or I don't email you often, will you please shoot me an email so I can put you on my list? (

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dear Elisabeth

Dear Elisabeth,

I know I tell you every single day how much I love you. Today however, I got to see a different little girl than I've ever seen before, and I am very excited. We got the chance to play with some of our friend's children while they attended the temple.  They have a little boy who is 9 months younger than you.  You were amazing with him.  You played like a typical little almost 2 year old, it was hard for you to share.  It was difficult to watch other people play with your toys, even though you haven't played with them for months.  But as the evening went on, you became a little more comfortable with it.

You wanted to show your little friend how you could do different things, you sang songs to him, and helped him get things from shelves.  You shared your food with him, and helped him drink his milk...along with sharing it, and "showing" him how to do it on his own.  You wanted to push him on your little car, and help him put things in his mouth (whether it was what he was supposed to have, or not).  I also loved how you wanted to eat what he was eating.  If he thought it was good, you thought it was too.

I realized today how big you are getting.  You will always be my little baby, but I realized today how much you have grown and I realized how incredibly intelligent you are.  You are so kind, caring, loving, friendly, and happy.  I love that you are so social, and love being around others.

Someday when your Mama is ready for another baby, you are going to make such an incredible big sister.  You are going to take such good care of them.  You get so concerned for the well being of others.  I'm so glad you came into our family, and bless us with your presence daily.  Thank you so much for being my beautiful little princess.  Your Mama and Papa are very grateful to have you.

Your Mama <3

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Today was a little overwhelming for me. I forgot to load up some stuff in Drew's car to take to work so he could give it to someone who had bought it on craigslist. We changed the locks on our doors but only have 1 key, so he had to drive back into dallas, get the key from me, pick the stuff up and head back to work. I had a dentist appt. and picked E up early. Drew's meeting got out late, so I was late to the dentist. I ended up sitting and waiting 30 mins anyway cause there was a screaming kid in the back (they had been eating sun chips and lodged a piece underneath a loose tooth)-whiner.  So it took 1.5 hours instead of the normal 30 minutes. Ridiculous! E had a blowout at Drew's office (the ONLY time she hasn't had a diaper and wipes there....because i was rushing and needed to leave).

It doesn't stop there.  I forgot E's medicine at the sitters, had to call them up and go back and get it.  A guy was coming to pick up another thing I posted on craisglist, but I forgot he said he'd be there at 6.  Well, I wasn't home til 640.  The kind guy waited for me.  BUT Drew had the only key to the house and he had driven home separately and picked up some dinner.  So I awkwardly stood with this guy waiting to get into my own house.  How awful and creepy does that sound? ugh.

So then we're eating dinner, and for some reason Drew got E root beer.  She proceeded to spill it all over the floor. I swore. That kid is know going to know how to say "damnit."  ....dangit! lol  I gave E a quick bath, but she was swirling herself around and smacked her head on the faucet. 

So then while I'm giving her a bath, Drew says, "What's on your back?" I say, "what?!" He says, "there's a big spot on your back!" And I say, "from what?!" He says, "Oh, I remember, it was that day that you were carrying in Elisabeth from church and somehow her chocolate milk spilled that was in that bag" - so all day today ladies and gentlemen, I had a freaking 6" stain of chocolate milk on the freaking back of my shirt without knowing it.  I told Drew he is my keeper and must take a once over glance at me to make sure I am presentable, cause heaven knows I obviously can't do it myself.

I'm done for this week.  I didn't go to the gym, and ate a hamburger and fries.  It's a dang good thing I only have aunt flo visit rarely cause if I don't know how I used to deal with this kind of retarded brain behavior in the past.

So now I've gotten my woe is me's out, here are some cutey pictures.

 Brushing her chompers

 Flossing her teeth :)

 Chillin with Papa, eating crackers.

 Look at those WINGS! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them!

Hooray for cookie dough! ..yes, I am the parent that is OK with giving her daughter raw cookie dough, and I'm OK with that.  I sure do love her!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

What we've been doing :)

Elisabeth had a horrible sinus infection that peaked about Thursday afternoon.  The poor girl was so exhausted by the time we got home that all she wanted to do was cuddle.  So, we put on Horton Hears a Who and chilled until Papa got home and could go pick up Quizno's for us.  I thought she'd at least eat soup if her throat was hurting, but she wouldn't touch it.  She wouldn't eat a thing.  She ate a pickle Thursday morning, but her babysitter said she hadn't eaten anything else.  Friday I think she ate half a piece of bread.  Saturday, she ate a pickle and some olives.  She didn't even want ice cream!  Finally today, she was willing to eat some blueberries and juice.  The poor girl was getting so dehydrated. :(  We started her on a round of antibiotics Friday night, and her fever broke through that night.  She's on the upswing, but man, she got bad f.a.s.t.!

Other than that, things have been pretty quiet lately...just plugging along at work and play. :) The only other thing exciting going on is Elisabeth attempting to have another tooth break's been a long time coming and it's just barely under the skin.  Hopefully it isn't hurting her too much and will come through a lot easier than the last couple of months have been for her.

 Elisabeth wanted to hang out outside- I love how she slumps in the chair---it was so she could wiggle her legs better!

 I thought this was funny sporting the shoes. :)

 This was her "Fancy" outfit she picked out.  We were reading Olivia's Opposites book and we were talking about Plain and Fancy- so she wanted to be fancy!  oh, and we had to play blocks, too.

 Cheese and Cornbread- I got this recipe from one of my friends. It makes the best cornbread in the world. And I usually hate cornbread!


 You see these?  These are brownies and cookies together.  Whoever thought brownies and cookies should go together was a GENIUS!!! We had some for dessert last night.  The only downside? They took FIFTY minutes to make!!!

 And this? This is dinner tonight.  It sounded delicious! So we're making it!

And these are my two sweethearts watching Donald Duck cartoons.  Elisabeth likes to wear her jacket because it has newly discovered pockets.  She likes to walk around with her hands in her pockets now- it's pretty adorable to me.  We had also weaned from having a binky during the day, but with this horrible cold, I kind of eased up, so I'm guessing we'll have to go through the continuous questioning of where is teeny binky once this cold is gone again. haha oh well :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I have a million pictures to share :)

 This was our Saturday morning.... it was pretty much awesome...
 I made a mistake with buying these pj's.  We had initially bought them because Ellie saw the planets and insisted they were all moons.  She LOVES the moon.  So we thought that was cute and bought them.  The night she wore these was probably the worst night of trying to get to sleep in her life.  She was so insistent on needing to look at all the moons that it was difficult for her TO sleep.  I do like her Dora slippers with her boyish jammies though. :)

 run, run, run, as fast as you can!

 I didn't intentionally try to match her coat and bow. :)

 I couldn't get her to look!

 Ellie took this picture of Drew- I thought it was pretty cute

 Our attempt at a family picture.  I couldn't get Ellie to sit still!

 Ignore the nose. :) I was going to photoshop it out, but I wanted to post pictures before she woke up from her nap, so I haven't tweaked any of them yet. 

 Offering her beautiful blossoms :)

 I thought this squirrel was awesome!
