Tuesday, May 31, 2011

CSA Week 1!

Our CSA started this week- hooray!!!

We got lettuce, carrots, garlic, basil, new potatoes, onions, zucchini and not show, some absolutely delicious strawberries.  They were totally so delightful, they were eaten before we left Salem :)  SOoooOOooOo good!

What I especially like is that this box is usually the smallest of the 26, and there's only good stuff to come!

1 comment:

Suki Lotti said...

Oooh yay!! I loved your CSA posts last year. I'm so excited because now that Jared is changing jobs (heh.... I haven't blabbed about it yet--it's still in the works), I might be able to actually do a CSA over the winter like I wanted to do this last winter.