Thursday, October 13, 2011

CSA Week 20!

Drew went to pick up the box today- he went to trade out our potatoes (we just don't eat potatoes I'm realizing!) and all that was in there was Radicchio.  He chose potatoes.  Smart man.

This week, we got raddichio, tomatoes, carrots, beets, red onions, sierra rose potatoes, delicata squash (I really like these, and they make awesome baby food), sweet italian peppers, canadice grapes (they are odd), and winter banana apples (I have been looking forward to these for a year!!!)


Mrs. Art Teacher said...

what in the world is a winter banana apple?

Maddy said...

the banana apples have a slight hint of banana in them with some tartness- I think they are just delicious as can be!!!