Sunday, April 3, 2011


I have a million pictures to share :)

 This was our Saturday morning.... it was pretty much awesome...
 I made a mistake with buying these pj's.  We had initially bought them because Ellie saw the planets and insisted they were all moons.  She LOVES the moon.  So we thought that was cute and bought them.  The night she wore these was probably the worst night of trying to get to sleep in her life.  She was so insistent on needing to look at all the moons that it was difficult for her TO sleep.  I do like her Dora slippers with her boyish jammies though. :)

 run, run, run, as fast as you can!

 I didn't intentionally try to match her coat and bow. :)

 I couldn't get her to look!

 Ellie took this picture of Drew- I thought it was pretty cute

 Our attempt at a family picture.  I couldn't get Ellie to sit still!

 Ignore the nose. :) I was going to photoshop it out, but I wanted to post pictures before she woke up from her nap, so I haven't tweaked any of them yet. 

 Offering her beautiful blossoms :)

 I thought this squirrel was awesome!



Michele said...

It really is a shame you can't tell who E's dad is.
You are looking so good!
Those blossoms are be-u-tee-full

Jocelyn said...
