Earlier this week we went blueberry picking. It was part of a Salem food share program where you pick the fruit and donate half of what you pick to the local food bank, and take the rest home for free! Awesome, great community service and a little payback. Sweet Drew donated more than half of ours, but we still got a fair amount. I think next time if we do it, I need to go out picking for us and then do a community service project so I don't feel so jipped at the end (after Drew gave them like 3/4 of what we picked. LOL)
What was nice though is that they are local, and organic, so I don't have to worry about pesticides :)
See these guys? Yeah. Pretty pathetic. Last year, with a giant belly, I was determined to have a garden, and ended up growing one in pots on our deck because the Dr. was so worried about high blood pressure that he didn't want me shoveling and digging, etc. I planted a cucumber plant last year and got ONE pathetic looking cucumber. This year, I made my itty bitty garden..remember that? and I got not one, but TWO pathetic looking cucumbers. What in the world am I doing wrong?! My patti pan squash and zucchini aren't growing either. I need to read up on this mush.
This looks a lot better! In our box this week we got:
1 head of lettuce
1 bunch of basil (pesto, my new best friend!)
ton of sweet tomatoes---same as the week before or 2 weeks before? I can't remember their name
1 box of cherry tomatoes (real varieties names escape me, but there's 4 different types in there)
1 pepper
2 pounds of beans
2 boxes of strawberries
1 head of garlic
Drew and I downed the strawberries last night. They were so good. I feel bad that I didn't even save any for Elisabeth!
Speaking of Elisabeth, I've totally thrown her nap schedule off from blueberry picking day and she was awake at 4am...which means I was awake at 4am. I'm pooped, she's grumpy. She FINALLY went down for a nap just a little bit ago, but it took a lot of coaxing. ...I feel she's going to be like one of those kids at the preschool I used to teach in that would fight nap time until they were just so exhausted they'd collapse...and then it'd be time to wake up in 10 minutes... Anyway, I thought this picture was cute- it makes it look like she's sleeping, but she's not. She's developing a master scheme to get out from under those sheets.
I went into work to drop some stuff off this morning. A few people were back working on their classrooms. I wish I cared enough to paint. I just don't want to paint and then have to move rooms. This is the first year I haven't had to move and it feels really weird to not be stressing my eyeballs out right now. I also realized how grateful I am to be working with a ton of people I genuinely really like. What a great feeling!
Maddy, you definitely don't share more than me, and I have really never considered going private -- even when I was getting several emails a week from strangers talking about my blog. You box looks delicious!!! I could never give away picked berries, even if they are free. My time costs money to me. I LOVE blueberries so much, I can't get enough of them. Did you make something?
Would you please send me your pesto recipe? I have tons of basil growing and don't know what to do with all of it.
People don't really want to read your blog cause they like you...they just stalk you. Like me.
My personal feeling is that if YOU feel weird about random people potentially coming across things that you have written, private is probably the way you want to go. If you could care less, keep on, my friend!
Either way, I'm a reader.
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