We walked ALL around the house and outside today. E even got into the bushes to pull leaves out.
She was nakey cause it was almost bath time after getting really wet at dinner. I had no idea she loved that blanket so much. Normally I wash it and fold it up for Monday (it goes to the babysitter's with her)- but she grabbed it out while I was folding clothes and hung on to it all weekend! so cute!
She pulled everything off the little table (keys, pens, checkbook, random fodder) and proceeded to push it around the house.
Busy at work!
oh dad! You put your hat on!!
She is pretty dang cute! You really need to come visit me this summer so I can play with her.
That girl needs a leap frog shoppin cart. K80 had one. Whenever you turned it on, it enthusiastically said, "Let's go shopping!" HA
The pic of her pushing the little table reminds me of that shopping cart.
Oh man, that looks awesome!!! I'll keep my eye out for one like it!
Shel, you come visit ME!!!
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