Here's the latest stats on my little girl since she's a whopping 10 months old now!!
She's in the 97th percentile for weight (24lbs, 11oz), and the 73rd percentile for height (29"). I still really feel that she's so long for her age. I don't know how some of these clothes fit lighter, but longer kids? hmmm... anyway, she's perfect to me, and that's all that matters!
Things she can do:
Roll over both ways onto her stomach, but only one way onto her back.
Pull up to her knees in her bed if she's sitting.
When sitting, she can put herself into crawling position, but then gets tired and lies down.
She can say- mama, mommy, dada, dad, hi, yay, no-no, huh?
She can sign- milk, cereal, more, all done and eat- not consistently with everything, but enough to know she knows what she's doing ;)
She can scream real loud and bite really hard
She loves pinecones on our walks
She's started doing this weird smile where she'll scrunch up her face- I think it's darling, but it's difficult to get on camera.
She has 2 teeth and no more in sight.
This was the sunset last night at our house- it was absolutely gorgeous!
nom, nom, nom!
She was attempting mad skills
I moved the position of the wee one to get more leg action
Happy girl!
This was at the crawfish bake we went to over the weekend- it was pretty cool. I ate 3 of them. :)
The hummingbirds were everywhere- so pretty!!
E was a trooper yesterday. She ran with me in the rain and didn't seem to care one bit! Thanks little girl! :D
Um, have I mentioned lately that your little Ellie-bellie is SO DANG CUTE!!??!!! Cuz she is. Just thought you should know that. :)
I think she stinks and you shouldn't post anything more about her. Thanks
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