Before.... (34 days old)- I feel sad she's crying, and I know why she was crying but it was just so gosh darn cute!
After! (310 Days Old)
Where did my baby go?
She's learned to throw things over the edge and get on her knees to inspect her handy work.
Peek-A-Boo! Bathy Time Style!
Love these smiles
And these...
And always these!
cute bebe
Eating the cookie dough- she didn't get sick btw, and the eggs weren't even pasteurized!
This week has been a difficult one for me emotionally and spiritually. I have some questions that I need answers to, and I'm afraid of the outcome. I need to be at peace with my decisions and I don't know if it's going to come easily, and that scares me. I have spent the greater part of my last ~12 years meticulously planning out my life, and to not have everything fit in it's little puzzle piece exactly the way I planned is difficult for me to accept. Here's hoping for the best.
In other family news, E has figured out how to pull herself up in the tub- only once, but she can do it. I honestly and truly feel that she's afraid of getting hurt. She was standing at the coffee table today (Drew was behind her) and she fell backward. She didn't bend at her hips and just went straight back into Drew's arms- not getting hurt or anything. But the sheer *thought* that she COULD have fallen and hit her head freaked her out so badly that she cried uncontrollably for a good minute. I felt horrible for her. She also has decided cookies are worth staking her comfort on. She really tried SO hard to get on those cute little hands and knees to get a cookie I put on the floor. She also did a couple step cruise along the coffee table to grab a piece. She got them all, but man did it stress her out. She just tenses up, and just freaks out. I really feel there's some doubt going on that she can't do it and/or fear that she's going to hurt herself which is prohibiting her from doing much. She bawls if she lands on her bum after standing even, and I guess I don't know how to change that other than reassure her that she's OK and redirect her. Any suggestions? I know she'll get it eventually, but in reality, I know she's strong enough, something just isn't clicking.
With Drew- he just bought a couch for his office. He's pretty excited about it. He's also looking at trophies for the office so that when someone wins their trial, they get to have this roaming trophy as their bragging rights of sorts. I think it's a fun idea.
That's about it for us. I went to OMSI today with the kids which was fun. I wish it had been longer though!