Tuesday, December 29, 2009

E's First Snow!

I know I'm like throwing up the blogs lately, but I guess that's what happens when you aren't working 40+ hours a week- you get time to enjoy the little things....like snow!...

....and photo editing!...

Monday, December 28, 2009


Last week when we went to the doctors for E's 6 month checkup, they had run out of flu/hiney shots for babies. I called up today and they recieved a new shipment, so we'll be heading in tomorrow for some leg stabbers for E. Maybe we'll actually be able to go to church this upcoming week!

Also, I want everyone to know, that come January (not a resolution maker, but a need to change some bad habits, and January happens to be the same month as some other things going on), anyway, I will not eat refined sugar of any kind. Please do your best to not offer it to me, and don't take offense if I turn it down. I need to do this for myself, and I don't have the will power to have *just a little*. So in my world, it's all or nothing, and since I just can't do sugar, it becomes a nothing in my world. :/ This is a good thing.

E decided that feeding herself was a great idea today!

This is a couple days ago, and the first time Drew has fed E!

You can see her bruise where she SMACKED her head into the table at breakfast a few days prior. LOL I think she wanted to watch her feet wiggle and the table was in the way.

She wanted to show you her boots. They only stayed on 5 minutes before falling off. I swear, baby shoes are a waste. lol (in the insane mess behind me, you can see my fancy new printer Santa brought us!) - thanks santa!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Drew got me photoshop elements for Christmas. I wasn't expecting it since he told me he refused to get anything on my christmas list. Well, too bad for him, cause I'm a little addicted. I did a fun thing tweaking color today.

I also made my little header thing. There's some things I'd already change, but I have lots of other stuff to do too, so my time is cut short.

Hopefully in the near future I'll have a little more time to play with things and have a fun time. :)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Best Christmas Present, Evar!

So I know Christmas is tomorrow, but I got to thinking today that I got my Christmas present 6 months early this year. I feel so blessed and grateful to have such a wonderful little girl in my life. I honestly don't know how I've gone so long without her.

We sing (well, me, really) You Are My Sunshine every night before going to sleep, and for some reason, I can't get it out of my head today, and it makes me cry about 50% of the time.

You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When skies are gray

You'll never know dear

How much I love you

Please don't take

My sunshine away

Thank you Ree for singing to me while during bath time when I was little- I love you!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

6 Month Check-up

We went to the doctor today and had Elisabeth's 6 month check up. I am amazed that we don't go back for another 6 months! WoW! So here's the scoop:

  • She's 19lbs 10oz- 90th percentile
  • She's 26" tall - 50th percentile - *Really?! I thought this kid was growing like a weeeeed. She fits in 9+ month clothing, it can't all be the chubs?
  • She's 44cm around the head - 90th percentile. Seems as though all that grew this last 2 months was her noggin.

Funny story: E was happy as can be in the waiting room. We walk back to the examination room with the awesome nurse that always helps us and as soon as the door shuts, she starts SCREAMING at the top of her lungs. We measure her, weigh her, and come back to the room- still screaming!!! She finally calms down after the nurse leaves and I'm having to hold her and distract her with random sounds and letting her kick the brochure holder on the wall with her feet. So then Dr. Y comes in and she starts up wailing again. LOL She calmed down after a few minutes with him though.

Dr. Y says she's looking good. He couldn't give me super specifics since his cpu wouldn't sync up with the system. This seemed to tick him off a bit cause he didn't want to chat a whole lot. He told me she has extremely sensitive skin (duh), and is prone to rashes (also, duh), so to try to keep her as dry as possible (duh). I was given the official go ahead on giving her food, but was reminded that she'll probably be allergic to a lot, so to go slow at introducing things...bummer...

Anyway, she was quite a champ. They were out of H1N1 shots, so she only had her 3 normal shots today. Afterward, we visited daddy, went to WinCo, and Costco. She slept while at winco, and she got to sit like a big girl in the shopping cart at Costco! She was so excited about it she was talking to me almost the whole time!

Tomorrow is a big day for E as well, after breakfast with some friends, we're going to go get her pictures taken! I'm pretty excited about it!

Sorry for the lack of pictures- I've blogged too much and don't have any more recent ones! How shameful!!

She's all legs!

This is more for a reference for me, but you all can enjoy the growth as well. I'm still sad I don't have a day she was born (or even week of) picture with Blaire. So sad. Oh well, towel sponge baths will have to do. :)

Brand New! (4 days old)

One Month Old

Two Months Old

Three Months Old - I wish I remembered why she was crying!

Four Months Old- this is when the "I'm so cool, I can put my feet on the railing" business started!

Five Months Old

Six Months Old - is it just me, or did she sprout legs!? --we also had to put the bumper up cause she's gotten good at arching her back and slamming her head into the bars- I figure this way there's at least a little cushion to dampen the head butts.

I sure love this little girl!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Summer Solstice

I don't know why it didn't hit me until today- (and I apologize to those that have mentioned this in the past- it never really stuck in my head)- but Elisabeth was born on Summer Solstice! And her 6monthiversary is on Winter Solstice. It made me smile. She's our solstice baby! We were joking in the car on our way home from Issaquah this morning that we should have named her Summer Solstice Jackson, and how tacky cliche that would have been. We had a good laugh over it.

We also made up new lyrics to Rudolph about how he really should have stuck up for himself and said poohpooh to the reindeer that were rude to him. The reindeer should have been nice to Rudolph BEFORE Santa said he was legit. Anyway, we had a good talking to with E about how you need to stick up for yourself and recognize that you're worth something regardless of what others think. ;)

I don't have her naked baby picture with Blaire the Hippo yet, but I'll get it later tonight. Here's some fun pictures from the last week or so that I found enjoyable!

Drew and Ellie thought it would be a good idea to practice driving now!

Bows are prettier on heads than on boxes!

Happy Day!

She looks like she's tooting and has a black eye, but really, she didn't want the tray in front of her, and she was wiping prunes all over her face!

Chillin in the sink, causing mischief

This is the newest member of the Clark family- his name is Hopper and he's all legs

Posing for me. hahahaha

I hope everyone has a great Christmas this year! I'm pretty excited to spend it with my little family this year!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Oranges! We Have Oranges!!

I bought a bunch of Clementines at Costco earlier in the week, and when I'm getting things ready in the kitchen, Ellie has helped me out by sitting on the counter top, and she's discovered the oranges!


One tastes good...

Two is BETTER!

Now she's being responsible and putting them back.

So my dears, if you want a clementine from our stash, know that it's probably been in a 25 week old's mouth. hahahaha

Friday, December 11, 2009

Hooray for Days off!

I was semi- forced into taking a day off today. I'm not too sad to say that I was OK with it. Prepping for a sub wasn't nearly as time consuming as usual for some reason, and the kids were excited to have a male sub rather than a female.

So instead of the usual day of spelling tests, singing christmas songs, correcting spelling tests, eating with kids, I went and finished up one of my birthday presents! Drew had given me a couple pedicures to Indulge Day Spa. They have this cool thing where the pedi is ice cream sundae based (not real food, it just smells like it!). The foot soak I chose was peppermint, I got a caramel mud wrap, they do a fun sugar based scrub, and scented shea butter for the finish- I got chocolate flavor. And the best thing of all? You get to eat treats while you get your toes done! I chose a double chocolate fudge bar today- it was divine! I got red nail polish for Christmas with a cute little Rudolph on each toe! (I couldn't get the pic to come out in focus- so just take my word for it!)

We chatted about our kids, work, silly people, etc. I would definitely go there monthly if my budget allowed!

Afterward, I went and picked up Ms. Cakes and Drew to go eat Indian food for lunch. Can I just tell you how much I love that stuff? I do! (While I was enjoying myself, Drew had the unfortunate adventure of the after effect of me feeding Ellie prunes...the transition to rice cereal has been rough on her!)- it got EVERYWHERE! Poor guys- I'm sorry!!

So now E and I are home, I'm washing clothes, tidying up, and enjoying my day off. :D

She loves that thing- it has a picture of a baby duck on the other side, and she insisted I take it off her play gym so she could hold it wherever we go.

Drew promised her a pony for a hug! I think she realized she was getting away with something!

E wants to be a dentist when she grows up!

Another thing- I wanted to have some reason why I like Dallas, so on my drive back in today, this is what I thought up:

  1. the sign that says 47 miles to Lincoln City
  2. the random cranes in the middle of wheat fields, just chillin
  3. hawks hanging out ALL over the place
  4. the goaties that eat the side of their little house on the side of the road coming into Dallas
  5. the skyline on the highway, especially at sunset
  6. the skyline in the mornings from our patio, especially when there's some vibrant pink hues in the air
  7. a small, very personable school district
  8. my beautiful kitchen
  9. and last of all, the sign that says 47 miles to Lincoln City ;)

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Good day today!

We've had a pretty decent week. My back is starting to get better, and I'm counting down the days until Christmas break. I'm super excited to spend so much time with Miss Elliecakes!

Don't let the face fool you! hahaha

Looking cute

Found the lights and started pulling them off the tree

Oh how I love her beautiful blue eyes!

Cups are way better than tub toys!

Loving her dada

Oh frog, how E loves you :)