Near the end of dinner, a couple showed up, and up until that point, Elisabeth had been the youngest one there. The couple that came in had a week old little boy. It was like a train wreck to me- I couldn't stop staring. He was TEENY! Drew proceeded to insist that our baby was once that small. I couldn't see it. I said to him, "No, she hasn't grown at all, she's just learned how to smile and has gotten stronger!" - we both laughed.
But the strangest thing happened. I actually LONGED to have a wee little baby like that again! I am a bit freaked out by even saying it! It's like I can't figure out where my teeny little girl went, and now I have this giant princess. AND she's just going to get bigger!
So, even though I'm a little freaked out to say it, I suppose that as long as it's in our cards, I suppose we're going to have to have another baby some time just so I can cuddle a teeny little one again :)

my baby went from this little thing to this:
You think that you are freaking out now? Just wait...
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