I was semi- forced into taking a day off today. I'm not too sad to say that I was OK with it. Prepping for a sub wasn't nearly as time consuming as usual for some reason, and the kids were excited to have a male sub rather than a female.
So instead of the usual day of spelling tests, singing christmas songs, correcting spelling tests, eating with kids, I went and finished up one of my birthday presents! Drew had given me a couple pedicures to
Indulge Day Spa. They have this cool thing where the pedi is ice cream sundae based (not real food, it just smells like it!). The foot soak I chose was peppermint, I got a caramel mud wrap, they do a fun sugar based scrub, and scented shea butter for the finish- I got chocolate flavor. And the best thing of all? You get to eat treats while you get your toes done! I chose a double chocolate fudge bar today- it was divine! I got red nail polish for Christmas with a cute little Rudolph on each toe! (I couldn't get the pic to come out in focus- so just take my word for it!)
We chatted about our kids, work, silly people, etc. I would definitely go there monthly if my budget allowed!
Afterward, I went and picked up Ms. Cakes and Drew to go eat Indian food for lunch. Can I just tell you how much I love that stuff? I do! (While I was enjoying myself, Drew had the unfortunate adventure of the after effect of me feeding Ellie prunes...the transition to rice cereal has been rough on her!)- it got EVERYWHERE! Poor guys- I'm sorry!!
So now E and I are home, I'm washing clothes, tidying up, and enjoying my day off. :D

She loves that thing- it has a picture of a baby duck on the other side, and she insisted I take it off her play gym so she could hold it wherever we go.

Drew promised her a pony for a hug! I think she realized she was getting away with something!

E wants to be a dentist when she grows up!
Another thing- I wanted to have some reason why I like Dallas, so on my drive back in today, this is what I thought up:
- the sign that says 47 miles to Lincoln City
- the random cranes in the middle of wheat fields, just chillin
- hawks hanging out ALL over the place
- the goaties that eat the side of their little house on the side of the road coming into Dallas
- the skyline on the highway, especially at sunset
- the skyline in the mornings from our patio, especially when there's some vibrant pink hues in the air
- a small, very personable school district
- my beautiful kitchen
- and last of all, the sign that says 47 miles to Lincoln City ;)