This weekend, I had to take Elliecakes to get her flu boosters, right after, we went to Drew's for an open house (they moved so they had an open house so the other attorneys in the area would know where they are), then saturday, I was hosting a baby shower, and we went to a Mardi Gras party for a little while. Today was church and home teachers. We didn't last long at church- Miss cakes was exhausted and needed to sleep, so we came home after sacrament. We had another thing to go to this afternoon, but E was sleeping, so we didn't go.
Other than an action packed weekend, life has been fairly simple and quiet. I like it. Here's some pictures to enjoy! <3
This is Miss Cakes at 7 months. We had to drop the crib- I'm getting paranoid about her newfound mobility ideas (she hasn't taken off yet, but I feel it's a matter of weeks).
Drew and I are watching The Invention of Lying- we're only about 20 mins in, but it's been pretty funny- I'm enjoying it! In the meantime, I wanted to post some fun pictures of the last week or so.
I also wanted to express my thankfulness and gratitude for my family's and my health and safety. There was an unforseen cirsumstance that Drew's coworker is going through that really opened my eyes and humbled me immensely. Remember to tell those you love that you really do love them, and tell them often.
She is adoring clapping
Shel, this one is for you ;)
We were playing with headbands and she figured out how to take them off. Dangit!
Computer love
She *had* been sitting up playing with things, but she pulled her little gym toward her and landed on the pillow behind her, and you can see where the gym landed. I had to take a picture before I fixed her. hahahaha
One of my friends posted a blog about how she isn't going to post only the happy moments in her life, that life is real, and with it comes disappointment and she isn't going to be afraid to write those stories either. Immediately after reading that, it reminded me of church today, so I thought I'd share my feelings.
Today during sacrament, one of the young men were being awarded with some scouting medal of which the name escapes me. Anyway, the bishop had pointed out that the colors on the container, and the medal itself were of significance. He said that when the church was first started, Joseph Smith had designated gold and green as the church colors. He also said that the church even had a flag. Sitting in the back of the building, Drew commented that the hymn books are also green and gold. coincidence? I think not!
Anyway, the rest of sacrament, I kept thinking how creepy weird it was that they had "colors" and a flag. And I wondered why it had been phased out so much. I also wondered why I have such a problem in accepting things of my faith that I wasn't aware of until now- like this. It's not like having official colors or a flag, or anything of that matter is really a big deal on either side- in fact, it has little to no consequence for me. It just weirds me out for a little while and makes me a little grumpy- like why wasn't this disclosed growing up to know these things about the faith in which I belong to?
So instead of making a stink about it, I am working on accepting it- that's what faith is partially about, right? Especially since it doesn't matter. I did however look up what the LDS flag looks like, and I guess you can buy them! Interesting.
I guess I'll just stick to my unhappiness at how the Sunday school system is run and how developmentally inaccurate AND inappropriate it is for children and teenagers.
I do love my faith though. I was reminded today of the peace and blessings it brings into my life. I also have to remember that since it is a work of God, THROUGH men, that mistakes are to be expected, that they can't get the children's lesson plan books perfect without a lot of trial and error. I just need to be patient and know that eventually they'll come around.
In other non-related news, I have a fun video of miss elliecakes growling and making very messy raspberries. This is what we do with our free time in our house. :)
I created a scrapbooking ( blog so I could separate my two lives. Go check it out and add it to your stream. Who knows how often I'll be able to do stuff since I'll actually have to go back to work next week, but enjoy anyway :)
once again, not super happy with the results, BUT it's part of the learning process of trying new things. :) this time it was paint brushes. - which by the way, I'm sure with more practice and patience, I could do awesome things with.
We just got back from the great city of salt last night. It was a long, tiring visit, but I'm glad we went, and I'm sad to have left. This may have been one of the only times I was truly sad to leave. I was grateful for the help I received and am so thankful to have such a loving and caring family. Thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for taking care of 2 sick babies ;)
I was going through some pictures today to try to decide what to do next with scrapbook pages. I have a friend that is selling some awesome onesies+headbands+other great creative things in her Etsy store. Anyway, she needed a head model for her beautiful headbands she's going to be putting out soon, and since E seems to cooperate with stuff on her head, she got to do it! I took some pictures of her a couple days ago, but I don't have the heart to finish the pictures with her feeling so sick, so it's on hold. Since it's on hold, I decided to do a little light play with some of them. This is what I did:
This one is my all time favorite. Look at that EYE!
Love this one, too :) So simple
I hadn't edited this one, but it makes me smile. She was done posing for me, so in her fit of tantrum, she turns her arms inward, twists them and pushes down and yells. Love it!
OK, these aren't my pride and joy, but it's close- I was able to clear up some underwater pictures from Hawaii. I liked this one cause of the coral. Who knew coral talked?! I miss that stuff...
I got to play with Photoshop a bit more yesterday while E was sleeping in between coughing and crying. I'm going through some lessons on teaching me different design layouts, etc. and on this particular scrapbooking page I had a bit of a difficult time with it. I hope it turned out OK to other people's eyes. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it- so I saved it in my files so I could come back in a few days and tweak it if I so choose. Anyway, enjoy!
OK, I got the other page done of the snow day pictures- now onto something Hawaii, or Mexico, or Alaska, or Disneyland, or Las Vegas, or Sand Diego, or, I have a lot of things to do!!
*I saw some things that needed to be done once I posed this one, so I redid them as well and reposted, sorry if you get duplicate emails to those that I email this to. :)
I played with my photoshop shtuff while we watched Night at the Museum 14 and made a scrapbook page out of the fun snow pictures I took a few days ago. I know they aren't NEW pictures, but you have to give me time to find something new and different to take pictures of! hahaha anyway, I thought I'd share with you what I've done!
I sure hope I get faster at this, because at this rate, I might finish pages when I'm 234.51 years old!!
*I made some minor alterations to this one from yesterday