I have been jonesin' for one of these for quite a while now. LL Bean was having a sale, and I just couldn't say no.

My beautiful BOB out of it's box, screaming to be put together!


I would like to go for another ride maaaamm!
We've been out a couple of times, and by golly, I don't know how I ever lived without it. I *HIGHLY* recommend a jogging stroller. Why didn't anyone INSIST on me getting one of these before I had a baby and wasted money on a regular stroller. This thing is fantabulous!

chocolate coooookies! Yum, yum, yum!!!

Guess what guys? I learned how to sit up AND stand up in my crib all in the same day. Therefore, I do not sleep. (the last 2 days, there has been maybe a 45 min nap each day) *sigh* (this picture was taken at about 9:30 at night........this child normally goes to bed at 7pm!)

mmmm chocolate! (we had to try the chocolate strawberries!)

So, this doesn't look particularly appetizing, BUT it was delicious. We cut up spring onions and radishes- cooked them (~12 mins) (next time I won't slice them so thinly- darn that mandolin doing such an amazing job)- then caramelized them with balsamic vinegar (1 tbsp), then tossed it with some spaghetti, salt and pepper. It was really good. I highly suggest trying to cook your radishes next time you have some- a whole new dimension to them! And! having a pasta dish that wasn't with red or white sauce was kind of a fun change as well.
(these are the instructions I used)
Slice spring onions and radish roots thinly. Sauté in olive oil (with a little salt) over medium-high heat until they are soft and start to brown-I used two spring onions and a whole bunch of radishes, and it took about 12 minutes. Stir enough to keep from sticking, or add a bit more oil. Once the roots are soft and starting to caramelize, add about 1 Tbs. balsamic vinegar to the pan, watch closely and keep stirring for about 3 more minutes as the balsamic vinegar glazes the roots. Add to a bowl of hot pasta. Season to taste with salt, pepper, or more balsamic vinegar. You won't recognize that you're eating radishes!
This would serve 3-4 people. More if you have other side dishes.
I also told a couple people that I would post our fennel potato salad recipe - I'm sorry I forgot to take pictures- but really, it just looked like potato salad.
1 fennel bulb
~1.5 lbs potatoes (we used french fingerling potatoes)
your favorite potato salad dressing (I used mayo, mustard, paprika, celery seed, parsley)
These are the instructions I used:
HARVEST BOX POTATO SALAD: Slice, then dice one fennel bulb. Combine with some sliced sweet onions and boiled potatoes from your Harvest Box, and dress with either a mayonnaise-based dressing, or your favorite oil & vinegar dressing. Add a little hard-boiled egg or cooked beans for a complete dinner.
We put kidney beans and 4 hard boiled eggs in it and put it on top of some lettuce- it was delicious. I was weary of the fennel, but it was a really nice addition to the flavoring. I would definitely use it again! - it would serve 4 for dinner or ~8-10 for a side dish
Next up: Roasted Fennel!