- I have our Year in Review letters printed out and ready to go out with our Christmas cards!
- We made it home from Seattle safely- although we were beginning to wonder with the traffic at Woodburn and a blown out diaper we couldn't get changed til we were out of there!
- We had a great, tasty Thanksgiving at dad and Laurie's house
- We get to spend Christmas in Oregon this year
- Hopper is the newest addition to the Clark household- and he sure is cute! --he had lived down in Cali- and was ~10-15 mins away from being euthenized when the fires hit. A rescue team went in to get the dogs, and Hopper was one of them. He then made his way up to Washington with an adoption crew and dad saw him at PetSmart and just *had* to have him. He has these long spindly legs- I like to call him Pip or Spidey. :D He's half chihuahua and half mini greyhound- so he has the body of a chihuahua, and the legs of a greyhound. He is awesome!
- Sweet Honey pup has cancer :(
- My back tweaked out while we were in Washington and it hurts like crazy- I haven't decided to go to the doctor or not. With mass amounts of ibuprofin, I can keep it in check. I know that last time I messed up my back, it just took time to heal. I have a feeling this is the same deal- it just doesn't feel good, and makes me pretty grumpy.
- Drew's student loan payments start this month- which is making me thankful I have a job so my income can go toward them!
- We miss family :/
So, things go up and down around here, but we're still chugging along. Thankful for the great friends and family we have in our lives, and grateful for our jobs and our little girl.
And as promised- HERE is the TURKEY!!!
Hunter gave Elliekins LOTS of kisses! She didn't mind. In fact, she LOVED to pull on his ears. The poor dog was mauled but he kept coming back for more!
I don't remember what she was looking at, but this is a pretty awesome look!
Chillin with her goggie!
And here's some other random pictures from the past week or so:

Michele put this together to show the similarities between Elisabeth and me. Pretty awesome!
Happy girl!
We used the napkin as one of those lame scarfs!
Showing you her awesome new Legs she got!!! She's all dressed up for the Holy War game! (Utah Vs. BYU for those that aren't aware) :)