Sunday, April 13, 2008

Well, the list from yesterday was quite extensive, and needless to say, we didn't get through all of it. I had forgotten that we ordered the wrong opening door to our bedroom, so we weren't able to hang it. We'll get the left opening door when they deliver our base boards, along with our kitchen sink faucet. We got everything else done though, except putting up the casing around the doors. I think that'll have to happen either during the week, or this weekend....we shall see.

We did get up the cover panels on all of our cabinets, along with the giant one for the back of the part that faces the dining room. That was a task in itself. We also got all the toe kicks put in, in the really all that's left in the kitchen is waiting for the countertop on the 25th, and then the sink can be put in! YAY!!! There's light at the end of the tunnel FINALLY!!!!

I got asked to be on the Garden Party activities committee today at church. I have no idea what this even is, or what I have to do to help, but I figured since I'll still be in town, and it's after I'm done with my pottery classes, there can't be too much harm in saying yes. I do have pottery til 6pm on Tuesday, and then a meeting for it at 7pm, so that'll be a bit busy, but I'll make it work.

I'm geared up to hopefully have a much better week this week, than last!

This pic was taken a couple weeks ago, but I
tweaked some stuff, and I am just loving it -
I thought that I'd share it. :)

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