Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More pics!

I forgot to post pictures on my last post!

She's realized how awesome the decorative pillows are on the bed!

Close up of her eyes since most of the time they look so black. I love them!

I know it's over exposed but I thought it was fun anyway!

Check out our laser eyes! pew-pew-pew!

The B A R

Drew is currently in his little test session to take the bar. I'm nervous for him. That is definitely a test I would hate taking. I'm anxious for his lunch break to see how things are going. The worst part of this whole test? ..it's not having him gone for 2 days up in pdx so he doesn't have to drive back and forth, and can get more sleep, but that it takes until September 11th for the results. This is going to kill me!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I can't believe how fast things are going! My little girl will be 5 weeks old tomorrow, and summer is almost over. Even though I've had a hard time getting enough sleep with my stomach issues, I have still enjoyed every second I get with my little sweetie.

We haven't done a whole lot here, but I was able to get the house clean today!

Ellie has also started to touch things with her hands- next step=grabbing them! how very exciting!

Modeling careers start early

We tried to make it look like she was sitting up. She protested!

She absolutely LOVES baths. She takes after her Auntie Michele. She does have to have her towel though- not just for modesty, but for warmth!

Mini smile- she's chillin with Drew

Hanging out at the Arts Festival

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pictures, pictures, pictures!

Since all we do around here is eat, poop, and sleep, I thought I'd post some pictures we've taken over the past week or so:

Daddy's little girl

Chillaxin on the bed!

Going out on an adventure

The adorable O face

Fist walk around the neighborhood

Passed out

Checking Drew out

Stretching our neck muscles cause they're so strong!


The FedEx guy showed up yesterday at my front door TWO days early with my gift to me for destroying everything I touch! He said to me- You're computer is here!!! I laughed and said, how do you know?! And he said, 'It's a little obvious :)' So HOORAY for computers!

Yesterday was a bad day at our house- it was full of crying and screaming, and up-all-night-ness. I don't know what the deal was. So all I was able to do yesterday was pull it out of the box, install Mozilla and my 2 chat programs. Keep in mind this was over the course of about 6 hours. Drew installed a mail client for me, and that's the extent of it.

Today though----today! I was able to clean out my hotmail inbox of mail messages that have been sitting for over a month. I haven't responded to mass amounts of email, but I'm sure I'll get to it soon. I was just so excited, I wanted to let everyone know! And I wanted to get it in before princess unicorn rainbow woke up from her light slumber.

This also means that pictures will soon follow!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


I got notification that my computer shipped out today! A day earlier than they said it'd be built. Come to find out that it's being shipped from China. One of my friends just moved back from teaching in China for the last 2 years, and let me tell you, her adventure trying to get OUT of China was one for the books. I am utterly amazed she was able to escape. I feel that my laptop may have the same outcome. Is it sacrilegious to pray for a laptop to arrive safely? LOL There's no ETA as to when it'll be here, just that it shipped out of China at 3:30pm today. So we will see.

I'm holding off on pictures until then since I'm going to have to transfer them all over anyway, and it'll make my life just a little bit easier.

So hopefully no more than a week before I get the clunking beauty!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I didn't realize I was signing up for dementia along with having a baby. The lack of sleep thing is going to take me a while to get used to. Good thing for summer vacations I guess!

This is how our day goes: baby eats, mommy eats, say goodbye to Drew, attempt a nap somewhere between cries, baby eats, mommy eats, baby eats, mommy gets very tired, etc. etc. etc. This whole week has gone into a bit of a blur. Through the fog though, I'm sure I'll look back on it with fondness and love, so at least that's a good thing, right?

Oh, and some good news? I bought a computer finally. I have no idea when it'll be here since lappy's apparently take 6 months to bulid- they have to go through and make every piece and meticulously put it together I guess. I bought the cheapest one humanly possible that will play my precious Sims 3. Let's hope this one lasts longer than my ridiculously expensive Vaio did.

And without further ado, more pictures, cause really, that's what everyone wants!

She was quiet for a full 5 minutes!

She's protesting at having to walk

Enjoying her sun that has songs and initiates seizures!

Fooooood coma!

I have more, but they're on my phone, so I'll be putting those on later.