Saturday, November 20, 2010

3 days of thankfulnes

I was in a hurry the last time I posted and had written that I was thankful for Harry Potter a second time.  Then Michele kindly reminded me that I already SAID that.  whoops!  Guess I like that guy!  So here's for THREE of them since I'm a bit behind.

#17  I woke up with Ellie this morning at 4:30am.  I didn't get to bed until about midnight since we went to a late showing of Harry Potter (which, by the way, is fabulous!) so needless to say, I was a bit tired.  Once 7:30 came around, I tag teamed Drew and went to lay back down.  I'd say I was OUT within 3 minutes.  I was exhausted!  So with that being said, I am grateful for my beautiful, fluffy, soft bed.

#18 - I am extremely grateful for our timeshare.  I know it's a totally unnecessary expense, but I sure do love it.  It has given us the opportunity to go so many places we wouldn't have ever dreamed of going!  We've been able to go to Midway-UT, Big Bear-CA, Gleneden-OR(x3), Seaside-OR, Ocean Park-WA, Grand Cayman-Cayman Islands, Maui-HI and another one coming up- Pompano Beach-FL, Seaside-OR again, and Clear Lake-CA :)  All in the last 4 years, too!  It has definitely been worth it.

12.24.08 - Kihei, Maui

#19 - Lastly, I'm thankful for living in Oregon.  Even if it's soley for the fact that I don't have to deal with snow from December-April like I did in Utah.  I have to give Utah credit though, they know how to take care of it.  Whereas here, it turns to ice and no one knows what to do.  It's like they go stupid or something.  I do enjoy the snow days with a light dusting of snow over the ice ridden streets....I definitely won't complain about that!

...yup...glad I don't have to deal with that. :)  And if I remember correctly, I was still supposed to go to work...

1 comment:

Michele said...

You guys are pussies when it comes to snow. Not that I like it but I sure know what to do with it.
Beds are a good thing.
Traveling is fun!